Driver Details

Binary MoiP

Updated: Oct. 7, 2022
Version: 1.02

Driver for controlling the Binary MOIP system.


Version History:

Version 1.01: Update to include Get Info file.

Version 1.02: Moved the option to add TXs and RXs from a hidden section in ID.

Binary MoiP

Tested and developed on a system containing 2 tx, 2 rx and 1 audio only rx.

Release History:

1.0: Initial Release of the driver.

1.01: Fixed the driver instructions not displaying in ID11.

1.02: Moved the option to add TXs and RXs from a hidden section in ID.


IP Address: This is the assigned IP address of the controller.

Input Name: This is the Input Name you want to use while programming in ID. This is NOT the name that will appear on any panels using the “Group x Name” variable.

Output Name: This is the Output Name you want to use while programming in ID. This is NOT the name that will appear on any panels using the “Group x Name” variable.

Output Type: This is to signal if the output is an audio only output as the audio only outputs gain some additional functions.


Variable state is set as you send the commands, if the state becomes incorrect it will recover itself after some time as it goes through the heartbeats. This should take up to a few minutes to get correct data if something becomes out of sync.

Function Specifics:

Activate Scene - this function requires scenes to have been set up in the Binary MoiP app before being able to access them. The string parameter for the command must match EXACTLY the name of the scene from the app.