Driver Details

Biamp Nexia

Updated: Feb. 19, 2013
Version: 1.01

This driver is for the Biamp Systems Nexia series processors connected via Ethernet or RS-232. Please read the detailed driver "Get Info" for configuration and driver capabilities. 1.01: Fixed null error, Speedial saving issues with 8 & 9, and deviceID tests.
PLEASE NOTE: This driver requires advanced knowledge of the Biamp Nexia installation and setup procedures.

Biamp – Nexia Digital Signal Processor

This driver is for the Biamp Nexia Digital Signal Processor.

This Driver has been tested on a Biamp Nexia TC running firmware version: 1.201-1.1-1.780

Revision History

1.00: The Initial Release of the driver

1.01: Fixed null error, Speedial saving issues with 8 & 9, and deviceID tests.

TCP Connection

The ETHERNET connection on the Biamp Nexia should be connected to the Network connection.

The Biamp Nexia processor should be set to a Static IP Address using port 23.

RS-232 Connection

The RS232 connection on the Biamp Nexia should be connected with a standard patch cable to the XP Series Processor serial adapter.

The Biamp Nexia processor defaults to a baud rate of 38400.

Configuration Info

The intension of the driver is to provide feedback and control using various combinations of object types as created in Biamp’s Nexia software tool.

Do to the highly programmable nature of the Biamp Nexia, the driver has been developed to control only those Biamp Nexia object types that have been “enabled” in the configuration of the driver. Your configuration must match exactly with the actual Biamp Nexia DSP programming in order to work completely. RTI Driver configuration objects are used to “map” the Biamp Nexia object types for control and feedback. Three Virtual RTI Driver configuration objects types have been provided for this purpose, Virtual Router, Virtual Level and Virtual States. Two other RTI Driver configuration objects are available, but have dedicated function, Telephone Dialer and Telephone RX. More information about these objects and configuration will follow below.

This instruction guide is not a replacement for the Biamp Nexia’s Operating or RS-232 Control Manuals. Please be familiar with the Biamp Nexia prior to configuration of this driver.

NOTE – The Biamp Nexia does not send any unsolicited information. When the driver connects for the first time, it will query for the current status of the “enabled” control points to make sure the driver reflects the current status. After this stage, the only way the driver will query for status change is after a preset has been recalled with the provided driver command. The driver will update driver variables when driver commands are executed and responses received.

Virtual Router (Max 4 objects)

This object is capable of controlling the Biamp Nexia’s Router Crosspoint or the Source Selection object. Using the “Control Point Type” selection, choose what object the Virtual Router is to control.

Make sure to check “Enable” when you wish to use the object.

The “Address Instance ID/Tag” must be changed to the actual value found in the Biamp Nexia software programming for the object you are controlling. This value will be found in the “DSP Attributes 1” tab associated with the object inside the Biamp Nexia software. You can use either the Instance ID, or the Instance Tag for this value.

Make sure the input/output count is correct for the object you are controlling. Using a larger value will cause exponentially more memory to be used by the driver and unnecessary messages to be sent to the Biamp Nexia.

Virtual Level (Max 50 objects)

The Virtual Level is a mainstay control object for this driver. Many of the items you wish to control will fall into this category. The Virtual Level has more configuration choices to handle the larger list of Biamp Nexia object types and also provided you with greater flexibility. A Virtual Level is defined as any control point that has a range of values.

Make sure to check “Enable” when you wish to use the object.

Using the “Control Point Type” selection, choose what object the Virtual Level is to control. The following Biamp Nexia’s object types are supported by this Driver control object.

AEC Input Level

Analog Input Level

Automixer Input Level

Automixer Output Level

Control Block Fader Level

Matrix Mixer Input Level

Matrix Mixer Output Level

Matrix Mixer X-Point Level

Output Level

PM Stereo Input Level

PM Stereo Output Level

Room Combiner Output Level

Source Selection Level

Standard Mixer Input Level

Standard Mixer Output Level

TC Receive Level

TC Transmit Level

The “Address Instance ID/Tag” must be changed to the actual value found in the Biamp Nexia software programming for the object you are controlling. This value will be found in the “DSP Attributes 1” tab associated with the object inside the Biamp Nexia software. You can use either the Instance ID, or the Instance Tag for this value.

The “Address Index 1” and “Address Index 2” are very important part of the control configuration. If these are not set correctly the object will not be controlled. Next to the name of each “Control Point Type” you will notice Index1, Index2, Index1 & Index2, or None. This is an indication of what you will need to set in order to make this control object work. When Index1 indicated, the value must be set greater than zero, most of the time this value represents the input to control; in this case Index2 would need to be set to zero. When Index2 is indicated, the value must be set greater than zero, most of the time this value represents the output to control, in this case Index1 would need to be set to zero. When both Index1 & Index2 or indicated, both configurations settings must be set greater than zero, again Index1 normally is the input to control and the Index2 is the output to control. When None is indicated both need to be set to zero. Please read the Biamp Nexia’s RS-232 Control Manual for more specifics on these settings

Max Level Adjust and Min Level Adjust are mostly available for you to set the range of the control. They must be set to at least match the Biamp Nexia object type’s capability, but you can also reduce the range to limit the customers’ control of the object.

Step Adjust Value is provided to instruct the Virtual Levels “Raise Level” and “Lower Level” driver commands on the granularity of the adjustment.

Virtual State (Max 50 objects)

The Virtual State is a mainstay control object for this driver. Many of the items you wish to control will fall into this category. A Virtual State is defined as any control point that has two states, On or Off.

Make sure to check “Enable” when you wish to use the object.

Using the “Control Point Type” selection, choose what object the Virtual State is to control. The following Biamp Nexia’s object types are supported by this Driver control object.

AEC Input Phantom Pwr

AEC Input Mute

AEC Input Invert Polarity

AEC Input Enable

Analog Input Phantom Pwr

Analog Input Mute

Analog Input Invert Polarity

Automixer Input Mute

Automixer Output Mute

Automixer X-Point Mute

Control Block Fader Mute

Control Block Mute Button

Control Block Logic State

Matrix Mixer Input Mute

Matrix Mixer Output Mute

Matrix Mixer X-Point Mute

Output Mute

Output Invert Polarity

PM Stereo Input Mute

PM Stereo Input Invert

PM Stereo Input Link

PM Stereo Output Mute

PM Stereo Output Invert

PM Stereo Output Link

Room Combiner Wall State

Room Combiner Mute State

Standard Mixer Input Mute

Standard Mixer Output Mute

Standard Mixer X-Point Mute

TC Receive Mute

TC Transmit Mute

The “Address Instance ID/Tag” must be changed to the actual value found in the Biamp Nexia software programming for the object you are controlling. This value will be found in the “DSP Attributes 1” tab associated with the object inside the Biamp Nexia software. You can use either the Instance ID, or the Instance Tag for this value.

The “Address Index 1” and “Address Index 2” are very important part of the control configuration. If these are not set correctly the object will not be controller. Next to the name of each “Control Point Type” you will notice Index1, Index2, Index1 & Index2, or None. This is an indication of what you will need to set in order to make this control object work. When Index1 indicated, the value must be set greater than zero, most of the time this value represents the input to control; in this case Index2 would need to be set to zero. When Index2 is indicated, the value must be set greater than zero, most of the time this value represents the output to control; in this case Index1 would need to be set to zero. When both Index1 & Index2 or indicated, both configurations settings must be set greater than zero, again Index1 normally is the input to control and the Index2 is the output to control. When None is indicated both need to be set to zero. Please read the Biamp Nexia’s RS-232 Control Manual for more specifics on these settings.

Telephone Dialer

This object has been provided to control the Biamp Nexia’s Telephone Dialer and Phonebook type objects. This driver is not Virtual because it has a dedicated list of functionality.

Make sure to check “Enable” when you wish to use the object.

The “Address Instance ID/Tag” must be changed to the actual value found in the Biamp Nexia software programming for the object you are controlling. This value will be found in the “DSP Attributes 1” tab associated with the object inside the Biamp Nexia software. You can use either the Instance ID, or the Instance Tag for this value.

Telephone RX

This object has been provided for the sole purpose of allowing you to enable Auto-Answer. The Biamp Nexia’s “TC Receive” object is used for this purpose.

Make sure to check “Enable” when you wish to use the object.

The “Address Instance ID/Tag” must be changed to the actual value found in the Biamp Nexia software programming for the object you are controlling. This value will be found in the “DSP Attributes 1” tab associated with the object inside the Biamp Nexia software. You can use either the Instance ID, or the Instance Tag for this value.

The “Auto-Answer Ring Count” is used by the driver command “Auto-Answer Toggle” in order to turn off and on Auto-Answer feature.