Driver Details

Beale Street Audio BAV

Updated: Sept. 16, 2020
Version: 1.0


This driver is for IP control of the Beale Street Audio BAV series amplifiers.

Beale Street Audio BAV

This driver is for IP control of the Beale Street Audio BAV series amplifiers.

Release History

1.0 Initial release of the driver.

Connection Settings

Network - TCP - Only Network - TCP control is available on the BAV amplifier.

Network Settings

IP Address - Enter the IP address of the BAV amplifier. It is recommended the BAV amplifier is setup with either a Static IP or is assigned in the DHCP reservation settings of the network router.

IP Port - Enter the IP port used for control of the BAV amplifier. Port 80 is the default.

Username - Enter the username required for IP control. The default is admin.

Password - Enter the password required for IP control. The default is admin.

Amplifier Configuration

Power Saving - Select the power saving mode to be used.

Output Count - Enter the number of outputs to be configured. Up to 4 outputs are supported.

Input Count - Enter the number of inputs to be configured. Up to 4 inputs are supported.

Output Names

Output (1-4) Name - Enter the name to use for the output. This name will be used throughout the

Input Names

Input (1-4) Name - Enter the name to use for the input. This name will be used throughout the driver commands, variables, and events for the respective input.

Driver Notes

- Feedback is only acquired from the unit as it is operated or during the heartbeat mechanism which sets the Power Saving value. The Heartbeat interval is set to approximately 15 seconds.