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This driver is for the AudioControl Concert AVR-6/8 series receivers using RS232 (serial) control.
AudioControl AVR
This driver is for the AudioControl Concert AVR-6/8 series receivers.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver.
1.1 Changed Tuner Preset Recall command to multiple choice selection.
1.11 Adds the Advanced Programming Extensions for Integration Designer 10 and above
1.12 Driver Maintenance
Connection Settings
RS-232 Connection
The Serial (RS-232) connection on the receiver should be connected with a null modem to the XP processor serial adapter.
The receiver uses a baud rate of 38400 as default for serial (RS232) communication.
The receiver must be set to use RS232 for control in the General Setup/Control section of the receiver's menu.
Driver Notes
- IP control is currently not available as the receiver does not keep the network connection alive while powered off, does not appear to accept or store static IP settings, and also does not appear to accept WOL packets.
- The driver will attempt to acquire all variable values in the driver upon initialization. There may be instances when certain variable values are not received upon initialization, but when a valid result is received during operation, the variable value should update appropriately.
- Direct Mode, 2 Channel Decode Mode, and Multi-Channel Decode Mode variables are based directly off of what the receiver provides. Some modes may not be accessible depending on what the state of the other modes are set to. Mode selection is not available when headphones are connected to the receiver. All control commands published in the receiver control protocol are available in the driver under the Main Zone Decode category of the driver commands. These commands may not be a direct 1 to 1 match with the variables available, therefore it is recommended the Decode Mode Cycle command is available on all user interfaces requiring 2 Channel and Multi-Channel control and feedback.
- There are 2 sets of variables for the tuner and DAB, one set for the main zone, and the other for zone 2. Variables and control of either can be interactive depending on whether the tuner or DAB is selected in both zones or just on zone. If the tuner is only selected in the main zone, RDS and FM genre information for the tuner are available. If the main zone is powered off and zone 2 is using the tuner, RDS and FM genre information is available. If both zones are on, but only zone 2 is using the tuner, RDS and FM genre information will not be available.
- Tuner control requires the proper zone to be utilized when sending tuner commands. If the tuner is in use in both zones, all zone 2 tuner control is rerouted in the driver to use the main zone for control as it has priority over zone 2. If only zone 2 is using the tuner, the zone 2 tuner commands use zone 2 for control. It is recommended that the use of the main zone tuner commands be used on user interface pages for the main zone, and the use of zone 2 tuner commands be used on pages for zone 2.
- Zone 2 may not have access to certain sources while the main zone is in use. All sources published in the control protocol for zone 2 are available in the Zone 2 Source category of the driver commands section. The protocol did not provide SAT, VCR, and ARC selections for zone 2.
Template Notes
This driver uses the following templates for its sub sources:
Tuner: AM/FM Radio, Tuner
FM Tuner: AM/FM Radio, Tuner
In case of multiple entries, APEX uses the first available device in the template file.