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This driver controls the Audac MTX Audio Matrix Switchers via Ethernet or RS232.
Version History:
Version 1.01 adds Unit Address Setting.
Audac M2 Multimedia Digital Audio Mixer
This driver is for the Audac M2 Multimedia Digital Audio Mixer using Serial or TCP/IP connectivity. Firmware in the unit during driver development was v1.96.
This driver was developed using the M2 and has been tested for Serial and TCP/IP.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Added Unit Address Setting.
Connection Settings
Network (TCP)
· The TCP/IP connection on the Audac M2 mixer should be connected to the Ethernet Network.
· The Audac M2 mixer IP address can be set to static using a terminal program or Web interface. The default IP address of the switch is
· The Audac M2 mixer uses port 5001 as default for TCP/IP (telnet) communication.
RS-232 Connection
· The Serial (RS-232) connection on the M2 mixer should be connected with a straight through cable to the XP processor serial adapter.
· The Audac M2 mixer uses a baud rate of 19200 as default for serial (RS232) communication.
Unit Address Settings
Unit Address
· Enter the address of the unit the driver will communicate with. Examples - M001, M002, etc.
M2 I/O Configuration
The M2 mixer has a number of possible inputs (direct, priority, wall panel, and fiber) and outputs (direct and wall panel). The system does not need to include all inputs or outputs. This driver was developed to allow for multiple types of configurations. Select the last input or output used for each type. If a particular input or output type is not in use on the system, select ‘None.’
Input and Output Names
Enter input and output names preferred for use in the driver commands, variables, and events. All visible fields should be named. There are four inputs that will be automatically included in every system; Off, Sine Generator, White Noise Generator, and Pink Noise Generator. However, these four inputs will not be listed with the ‘Input Names -Text Only’ variables.
Input Auto Programming Tags (Apex Only)
To ensure auto tagging for all possible inputs on the system, each possible input (in use on the system or not) has a unique input tag number. Please follow the key below for proper tagging for all inputs used on the system.
· Direct Inputs 1 – 8 Input 1 – Input 8
· Direct Line Input Input 9
· Priority Input 1 & 2 Input 10 & Input 11
· Wall Panel Inputs 1 – 8 Input 15 – Input 22
· Fiber Inputs 1 – 8 Input 23 – Input 30
Scene Configuration
The M2 digital mixer has two types of scene; global and separate scenes for a single output. Select the last global scene for use on the system and name each global scene. Global scenes are used for changing the master volume and input of all outputs used on the system. Select the last scene for use on each direct output on the system and name each scene used for each output. Output scene can be completely unique to each output, in name as well as configuration (input level and use, etc.). The output master volume (as well as the bass and treble levels) are not affected by output scenes. If the system is not using any global scene, select ‘None.’ If a direct output is not using any scenes, select ‘Custom Scene Only.’ This will allow for adjustment to the input levels on a direct output without the use of any premade scenes.
Saving Options
Select Auto Save to set driver to automatically save current zone (output) settings (input, volume, bass, treble, scene, etc.). Enter Auto Save Delay to set the length (in seconds) of the delay from last action to saving the settings.