Driver Details

Audac AMP523/RM523

Updated: July 28, 2017
Version: 1.0


This driver is for the Audac AMP523/RM523 Web Based Mini Stereo Power Amplifier using Serial or Ethernet connectivity.

Version History:

Version 1.0: Initial Release.

Audac AMP523/RM523 Audio Matrix Switcher

This driver is for the Audac AMP523/RM523 Web Based Mini Stereo Power Amplifier using Serial or Ethernet connectivity. Firmware in the unit during driver development was v1.5.

This driver was developed using the AMP523 and has not been tested on the RM523. As the difference between these two devices is merely the output connection, the driver should respond identically on both devices.

Revision History

The Initial release of the driver

Connection Settings

Network (TCP)

The TCP/IP connection on the Audac AMP523/RM523 mini power amp should be connected to the Ethernet Network.

The Audac AMP523/RM523 mini power amp IP address can be set to static using a terminal program or Web interface. The default IP address of the switch is

The Audac AMP523/RM523 mini power amp uses port 5001 as default for TCP/IP (telnet) communication.

RS-232 Connection

The Serial (RS-232) connection on the Audac AMP523/RM523 mini power amp should be connected with a straight through cable to the XP processor serial adapter.

The Audac AMP523/RM523 mini power amp uses a baud rate of 19200 as default for serial (RS232) communication.

MTX Configuration

Source (Input) Names

Enter source (input) names preferred for use in the driver commands, variables, and events. All visible fields should be named. Sources 5 will always be the WLI – WMI/Mic input and, therefore, cannot be named.

Saving Options

Select Auto Save to set driver to automatically save current zone settings (source, volume, bass, treble). Enter Auto Save Delay to set the length (in seconds) of the delay from last action to saving the settings.