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This driver is for the Atlona 4 Input switcher and scaler with HDBaseT and mirrored HDMI Output connected via RS-232 or Ethernet. Tested using an AT-OME-SR21 and an AT-OME-MS42.
Atlona Technologies
This driver is for the Atlona 4 Input switcher and scaler with HDBaseT and mirrored HDMI Output connected via RS-232 or Ethernet. Version 1.0 was tested using an AT-OME-SR21 and an AT-OME-MS42.
Driver initialization / startup will take approximately 20 seconds.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
TCP Connection
The TCP connection on the Atlona switcher should be connected to the network. It is recommended the matrix switch be set to a static IP and the port be assigned. Please refer to the Atlona documentation on how to set up the IP and port.
The driver uses port 9000 as a default, but this may be changed if needed.
RS-232 Connection
The RS-232 connection on the Atlona switcher should be connected with a straight through cable to the XP serial adapter.
The Atlona switcher defaults to a baud rate of 115200, but may be adjusted to 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200. Please refer to the Atlona documentation on how to change the matrix switch RS-232 settings.
Switching Mode
If the AT-OME-MS42 model is selected, the Switching Mode category becomes available. In this category three options are available:
-Mirrored: Inputs can only be assigned to Output 1, Output 1 will then mirror the selected input to Output 2
-Matrix Mode: Inputs can be assigned to both Output 1 and Output 2
-Matrix Mode w/ static route~: Inputs can be assigned to both Output 1 and Output 2, for additional details consult the Atlona manual
I/O Count
The appropriate number of inputs will be automatically selected based on device choice. The options include:
AT-OME-SR21 (1 Output, 2 Inputs)
AT-OME-MS42 (2 Outputs, 4 Inputs)
Output and Input Naming
Enter the names preferred for use in the driver commands, variables, and events. All visible fields must be named.
Driver Notes
- Send RAW string available
- The AT-OME-MS42 does NOT have volume control commands available, only mute / unmute.
- In order to change the USB Host Route using the driver, the USB Host Logic must be set to manual.
- The power controls will only work on the ATOME-MS42.