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This driver is for the Atlona OmniStream HDMI over IP products.
Version History:
Version 1.01: improves error handling.
Version 1.02: fixes problem with protocol changes in newer firmware.
Version 1.03: fixes issue where driver would not initialize properly.
Atlona OmniStream HDMI over IP
This driver is for the Atlona OmniStream Pro and R-Type HDMI over IP products.
It is very important to follow the complete setup procedures for the Atlona OmniStream provided by Atlona. Failure to follow the procedures provided by Atlona can result in operational failure of both the Atlona products and this driver and may result in damage or injury.
In addition, an understanding of the terminology and functionality provided in the Atlona OmniStream system is assumed. If you are not familiar with the Atlona OmniStream we recommend contacting Atlona for training before proceeding.
RTI is not to be held responsible for any damages or injuries that may result from a lack of knowledge or misuse of this driver with the Atlona OmniStream products.
This driver was developed and tested using the following Atlona OmniStream devices:
1x AT-OMNI-112 Pro Encoder
1x AT-OMNI-512 R-Type Encoder
1x AT-OMNI-121 Pro Decoder
1x AT-OMNI-521 R-Type Decoder
A Cisco SG300-10P 10 Port Gigabit PoE Managed Switch and a TP-Link TL-R600VPN Gigabit Broadband VPN Router were also used and setup in accordance with the Atlona OmniStream_Certified_Switches.pdf document which is available from Atlona. The XP processor used was connected to the TP-Link router which was setup using a static route to the Cisco switch.
This driver does not currently support OmniStream devices with the Backup Mode set to Join Active or Join Always, meaning the Backup Mode must be set to Off.
Release History
1.0 Initial release of the driver
1.01 Increased failed response timeout.
Added "Quit" command before disconnecting.
Added clearing of command stacks when disconnecting.
1.02 Recoded parsing routines for changes in protocol from initial release.
1.03 Fixed issue where driver would not initialize properly.
I/O Configuration
Output Count - Enter the number of output devices (decoders). Up to 32 output devices are supported.
Input Count - Enter the number of input devices (encoders). Up to 32 input devices are supported.
Output (1-32) Configuration
Name - Enter the name to be used for the output device. This name will be used throughout the driver and in XPDiagnostics for easy reference.
Control IP Address - Enter the IP address used by the output device for control, feedback, and connectivity. MAC reservation addressing, or static IP addressing are required for communications between the driver and the output devices.
Control IP Port - Enter the IP port number used by the output device. Atlona OmniStream devices use port 2323 as the control port default.
Control Username - Enter the username configured in the output device. Atlona OmniStream devices use "admin" as the default username.
Control Password - Enter the password configured in the output device. Atlona OmniStream devices use "Atlona" as the default password.
Channel Assignment- Select the channel assignment for the output. Choices are 1 or 2 and refer to the physical connections on the decoder.
- Note - The output configuration is setup so that each channel is considered an output. Single channel decoders only require one output configuration slot and have one control IP address. Dual channel decoders will require two output configuration slots and have two distinct control IP addresses. In addition, the second channel of a dual channel decoder requires the channel assignment be set to 2.
Input (1-32) Configuration
Name - Enter the name to be used for the input device. This name will be used throughout the driver and in XPDiagnostics for easy reference.
Control IP Address - Enter the IP address used by the input device for feedback, and connectivity. MAC reservation addressing, or static IP addressing are required for communications between the driver and the input devices.
Control IP Port - Enter the IP port number used by the input device. Atlona OmniStream devices use port 2323 as the control port default.
Control Username - Enter the username configured in the input device. Atlona OmniStream devices use "admin" as the default username.
Control Password - Enter the password configured in the input device. Atlona OmniStream devices use "Atlona" as the default password.
Video Stream IP Address - Enter the IP address used by the input device that the video stream will be available on.
Audio Stream IP Address - Enter the IP address used by the input device that the audio stream will be available on.
- Note - The input configuration is setup so that each channel is considered an input. Single channel encoders only require one input configuration slot and have one control IP address. Dual channel encoders will require two input configuration slots and have two distinct control IP addresses. In addition, each input will have distinct IP addresses for the video stream and audio stream.
Driver Notes
- All driver commands will get queued up for sending to their respective devices. Each device has its own queue so under normal operating conditions the time a command is added to a device's queue and the time it is executed is kept to a minimum. The exception to this is direct volume commands for output devices as they get queued on their own and once the adjustments are completed the final volume level is sent to the device's overall queue for execution. This means ramping or using a slider with real-time control is not available.
- Each device has its own connectivity state along with its own initialization state and routines. When an individual device becomes connected it will run through its own initialization process to sync up with the system.
- A driver initialization state is also included for building the object database of what devices are in the system.
- RAW driver commands are available for input and output devices respectfully. Feedback may not be available for commands sent using these commands.