Driver Details

Aquavision Television

Updated: Aug. 11, 2023
Version: 2.0


Aquavision have always believed that a television should add to the décor of a home and be more than just an “object.” They introduced the first in-wall tv in 1997 and since conception have never compromised on the quality of their products. The balance of elegance and substance is an intrinsic part of their process for producing world class, hand built, high performance tv’s for all applications. This driver provides full control of the Nexus Range over IP and Genesis Range over RS232.

Version History:

Version 2.0: Initial Release

Aquavision | Nexus & Genesis Series LCD | IP & RS232 | Version 2.0

Introduction & Manufacturer Profile

In 1997, Aquavision designed the first waterproof televisions in Manchester, UK. They recognised a gap in the market for waterproof tv’s and optimised it.

Aquavision have always believed that a television should add to the décor of a home and be more than just an “object.” They introduced the first in-wall tv in 1997 and since conception have never compromised on the quality of their products. The balance of elegance and substance is an intrinsic part of their process for producing world class, hand built, high performance tv’s for all applications.

This driver provides full control of the Nexus Range over IP and Genesis Range over RS232.

Version History

Version 2.0 – 7th August 2023

New release with full 2 way feedback

Driver Features

The driver controls all the main features of the device, and provides feedback for all the relevant commands and information.

System Requirements & Prerequisites

RTI System Requirements

Integration Designer: 10.4 or later.

XP FW: 22.3.31 or later.

Manufacturer’s Device Requirements

Although some commands/features may work with other Aquavision devices, this driver will only work correctly with the Genesis and Nexus Range.

Driver Configuration


Driver Settings

For TV Name – Give the device a name.

For Connection Type – Select the communication type, Serial Port or Network (TCP)

For Serial Port – Select the Processors RS232 port to use

For Baud – Select the correct baud rate to use, 38400 or 115200, Default is 38400

For TCP Address – Enter the TV IP Address here

For TCP Port – Enter the configured port here, Default is 3300.

Template Page Name:

Default: Aquavision TV

Secondary: Cable/Satellite TV

Device Configuration

For IP - Make sure the device has either a static IP or an address reservation in your router.


This driver uses the following non-standard tags. For default tags, reference the master tag list.

Tag NameF/VFunction UsageVariable Usage

Current InputVDisplays Current Input Name

Input: Scart 1F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Scart 2F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Composite VideoF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: S-VideoF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: HDMI 1F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: HDMI 2F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: HDMI 3F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: ComponentF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active

Input: USB 1F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active

Input: USB 2F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: USB 3F/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: EthernetF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: ARCF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: PCF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Audio InF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Cable TVF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: DVIF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: EDPF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: SatelliteF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Digital TVF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: Analog TVF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active
Input: TV-RadioF/VSelects the corresponding InputGoes True when Input is Active

Aspect RatioVDisplays Current Aspect Name

Aspect: WideF/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: PanoramaF/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: 4x3F/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: 14x9F/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: ZoomF/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: Auto WideF/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Aspect: AutoF/VSelects the corresponding AspectGoes True when Active
Max VolumeFSends the Corresponding Command
Time ShiftFSends the Corresponding Command

SourceFSends the Corresponding Command

Sound FormatFSends the Corresponding Command
StoreFSends the Corresponding Command
Backlight OnFSends the Corresponding Command
Backlight OffFSends the Corresponding Command
Smart TVFSends the Corresponding Command
LanguageFSends the Corresponding Command
Sub PageFSends the Corresponding Command
PSMFSends the Corresponding Command
SSMFSends the Corresponding Command
FLOFFSends the Corresponding Command
Shipping ConditionFSends the Corresponding Command
ReplayFSends the Corresponding Command
IndexFSends the Corresponding Command
PIP Channel UpFSends the Corresponding Command
PIP Channel DownFSends the Corresponding Command
PIP InputFSends the Corresponding Command


This driver supports the following events.

Event NameEvent TriggerNotes

Power OnTriggers when device powers on
Power OffTriggers when device powers off
Mute OnTriggers when device is Muted
Mute OffTriggers when device is Unmuted
(Input Name)Triggers when Input is changed
(Aspect Name)Triggers when Aspect Ratio is Changed

System Testing

Integration Designer: 11.4.1

XP Processor Model: XP-8v

XP Processor Firmware: 22.3.31

Device Model(s): AVF22L-NLCD , AVF22L-GLCD.

Device Firmware: 6.2.1

Support Contact

RTI Control

+ 1.952.253.3137