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This driver controls the Aquavision line of in-wall and waterproof televisions through serial and IP. It was tested on an Aquavision Nexus Plus. As of the 1.0 release there were several problems in the products firmware with respect to changing serial and network settings. Please read the Get Info of this driver before attempting to change these. You will probably have to rely on a serial connection at this point.
*** Please Note: This driver has been marked legacy, for new projects please use the Aquavision Television v2.0 Driver. ***
Aquavision Television Driver
XP Version
This driver provides serial and IP control of Aquavision televisions and monitors. The television requires a crossover cable if used with the RJS-232 adapter. The protocol covers a wide range of models, it is possible that this driver contains functions that will not operate on your specific model.
Release History
1.0: Initial Release
Status Tracking
The television does not automatically notify the driver when changes are made so changes made outside the driver may not show up. The driver DOES keep track of the power state, volume level, and mute state but even those changes will be delayed if the commands don't come from the driver.
Connection Setting
The television does not currently support changing connection settings. Please chose either serial or TCP as a connection type previous to creating your controller system. Once a TCP line is connected to the unit, a factory reset will be needed before you can use a serial connection again.
Serial Port
The RS-232 connection on the TV should be connected with a Null-Modem to the XP processor.
The TV defaults to a baud rate of 115200.
-Note- It was noticed that the sample TV used during development of this driver would become unresponsive if the Baud Rate was changed off of the factory default.~ If this happens with a TV being deployed in the field, please contact the manufacturer.
Network (TCP)
The TCP/IP connection on the TV should be connected to the Ethernet Network.
Refer to the TV documentation for setting the TV to static IP.~
The TV uses port 3300 as default for TCP/IP communication.
-Note- It was noticed that the sample TV used during development of this driver would become unresponsive if the IP address was changed off of the factory default.~ If this happens with a TV being deployed in the field, please contact the manufacturer.
Power On state and command caching
The TV's become completely unresponsive when turned on. Several seconds later the set actually comes 'On'. This is familiar behavior for TV's in general. The driver deals with this issue in two ways: The Power Tally is not turned on and the Power On Driver Event does not get sent until the unit is fully on. When the unit is on, commands can be sent.
Also, during this startup period the driver will cache any volume set commands until the unit comes online. This means that (as the sample file shows) a macro can be created that turns the TV on, changes the input and sets a power on volume without using delays and they will all execute.