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This driver is for the Anthem MRX x10 Series Receivers (MRX-310, MRX-510, and MRX-710) using Serial(RS-232) or Ethernet (TCP) connectivity.
Version History:
Version 1.01: Fixes typo in get info for RS-232 connection default baud rate information.
Version 1.02: includes adjustments for tuner control, adjustments of tuner active band events and variables to zone 1 and zone 2 tuner active bands, and added connection status and initialization status events.
Version 1.03: adds advanced initialization and query capabilities.
Version 1.1-1.23: Adds General Tuner variables for template compatibility, additional x20 audio and video variables and events, and an additional x20 sample file.
Anthem MRX x10
This driver is for the Anthem MRX-x10 receivers, MRX-x20 receivers, and AVM60 processor.
This driver was developed and tested with an Anthem MRX-510 Receiver (Release Version 1.2.1) and updated using an Anthem MRX-1120 Receiver (Release Version 1.3.078).
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Fixed typo in get info for RS-232 connection default baud rate information.
1.02 Adjusted tuner control for changes made in MRX x10 firmware version 1.2.1.
Adjusted tuner active band events and variables to zone 1 and zone 2 tuner active bands.
Added connection status and initialization status events.
1.03 Added Advance Initialization and Query Settings in driver configuration.
1.1 Added General Tuner Preset variables for combined tuner band page compatibility.
Added Tuner Data Tuning variable for combined tuner band page compatibility.
1.2 Added APEX capabilities.
1.22 Driver Maintenance
1.23 Added additional x20 audio and video variables and events.
Added Sample Anthem MRX-x20 Receiver file to driver download.
Connection Settings
Network (TCP)
The TCP/IP connection on the Anthem Receiver should be connected to the Ethernet Network.
The Anthem Receiver IP address can be set to static, and the IP/Standby IP control selections in the MRX x10 General Configuration menu should be set to enabled.
The Anthem Receiver uses port 14999 as default for Ethernet (TCP) communications.
RS-232 Connection
The Serial (RS-232) connection on the Anthem Receiver should be connected with a straight through cable to the XP processor serial adapter.
The Anthem Receiver uses a baud rate of 115200 as default for serial (RS232) communication.
Driver Configuration Settings
Advanced Initialization and Query Settings
Enable Reinitialization at Power Up - Enable this setting if re-syncing the driver with the MRX-X10 receiver is required during the power up process. Caution is advised when disabling this setting in the driver configuration. When having this setting disabled (unchecked), the driver will not acquire initial values for variables when the system is powered on. When enabled (checked), each zone initializes only when the zone is turned on.
Enable Advanced Queries - Used to enable or disable advanced Queries (polling). When disabled (unchecked), Anthem Room Correction, Balance, Tone, Surround Level, Lip Sync, Trigger, and Audio Listen Mode events, driver commands, and variables are not available. If the end user does not require any of these features, this selection should be disabled (unchecked) as it will help in speeding up the operational ability of the MRX-X10 receiver.
Zone Names
Main Name (Zone 1) - Enter the name to be assigned for Main (Zone 1).
Zone 2 Name - Enter the name to be assigned for Zone 2.
Input Names
Last Input Configured - Last configured input in system. Up to 20 input configurations are supported.
Input (1-20) - Enter the name to be assigned for Input (1-20).
Input Names
Trigger 1 - Control Mode - Select what control mode set for trigger 1.
Driver Notes
- If tuner band selection is performed via the Tuner Band Set driver commands, the AM/FM tuning variables may not sync if zone 1 is not using the tuner. If needing to use AM/FM tuning variables on the user interface it is recommended the MRX x10 receiver is setup to use separate AM and FM selections as sources and omit the use of the Tuner Band Set driver commands.
- Zone 1 has priority over the selected tuner band.
Template Notes
This driver uses the following templates for its sub sources:
Tuner: AM/FM Radio, Tuner
AM Tuner: AM/FM Radio, Tuner
FM Tuner: AM/FM Radio, Tuner
In case of multiple entries, APEX uses the first available device in the template file.