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This Driver enables integrating Australian Monitor’s Zone Mixers and Paging system models ZONEMIX4 and ZONEMIX8 with RTI processors for Control & Monitoring.
The ZoneMix product line provides zone mixing and paging solution featuring USB, Ethernet and RS232 connectivity. It also features Mic and line level stereo inputs which can be independently mixed to any output zone. An additional local audio input can also be added to each zone using audio wall panel inputs.
Release History:
Version 1.1 - Initial Release
AM ZoneMix v1.1 – RTI Driver
Driver Info
Release – R1.1
Founded in the year 1973 Australian Monitor had started to become the distributor for Telex products in Australia. In the mid 1990’s Australian Monitor was famous for manufacturing high quality touring grade Mosfet amplifiers. Australian Monitor has been a global leader in delivering stylish and cost-effective innovations for the commercial and professional audio markets. Setting a benchmark for technology innovation, Australian Monitor is now leading the way in digital integration. By focusing on understanding the varied business environments of contractors and end users, Australian Monitor is dynamic and responsive in developing product and service solutions that meet these unique and often complex requirements. For further details please visit https://www.australianmonitor.com.au
This Driver enables integrating Australian Monitor’s Zone Mixers and Paging system models ZONEMIX4 and ZONEMIX8 with RTI processors for Control & Monitor.
Driver Features
Integrate either 4 Zone or 8 Zone Mixer.
Supports auto import of data from “ZONEMIX configuration” file at programming stage, without the need to manually enter the details.
Ability to connect to ZONEMIX device either on RS232 / UDP (IP).
Control & Monitor the following:
Zone Selection.
Mute Status.
Volume Levels.
Various Output X Input mixer settings.
Trigger Tasks / Task Groups.
Recall Preset.
Filters or Crossover Frequencies, Slope, Family, etc.
Minimum & Maximum Volume settings.
Bass & Treble Gain.
And many more. Please go through this document for further details.
Prerequisites (for ZONEMIX device configuration as per Australian Monitor guidelines)
Install all Zonemix device.
Configure all necessary parameters using “ZONEMIX Control Software”.
Note it is must to assign “Static IP” and Enable “UDP Server” to use Ethernet communication with this driver.
Add “AM ZoneMix” driver to your project.
Driver Settings
Driver Settings:
Driver Name - Enter Driver Name to identify this instance of driver in program.
Debug Settings: (To be enabled while or used only for troubleshooting & driver performance monitoring. Uncheck all options after final programming)
Error Trace - Check to view ‘Error’ messages generated by Driver.
Warn Trace - Check to view ‘Warning’ messages generated by Driver.
Info Trace - Check to view ‘Information’ messages generated by Driver.
Config File - Enter the path to ZONEMIX configuration file including the file name.
ZoneMix Communication:
Communication Protocol - Select the medium of communication, “IP” or “RS232”.
IP Addressi - Enter IP Address of ZoneMix device.
Porti - Enter UDP Port No. as configured in ZoneMix device.
Serial Portr - Select the RS232 port No. available for current RTI Processor.
Baud Rater - Select the “Baud Rate” from available options. The default is 115200.
Feedback Poll Settings:
Polling Type - Select the type of Polling from either At Processor Startup or At Interval.
Poll Frequency - Select Polling interval from available options. This parameter is effective only if “At Interval” is selected at 4.5.1.
ZoneMix Device Settings: *
Model No. - ZoneMix Device Model No.
Name - ZoneMix Device Name to identify the same in program.
Serial No. - ZoneMix Device Serial No. for reference.
Boot Ver - ZoneMix Device Boot Version for reference.
App Ver - ZoneMix Device Application Version for reference.
MAC Address - ZoneMix Device MAC address of IP Interface for reference.
Max Inputs - Maximum Inputs available in this ZoneMix Device.
Max Outputs - Maximum Outputs available in this ZoneMix Device.
ZoneMix Input Settings: *
Input-x Name - Input port Names as assigned in ZoneMix Device for reference.
ZoneMix Output Settings: *
Output-x name - Output port Names as assigned in ZoneMix Device for reference.
ZoneMix Preset Settings: *
Preset-x Name - Preset names as assigned in ZoneMix Device for reference.
Variables: (Name – Type. Description)
ZoneMix Device:
Connected - Boolean. If Device is connected to RTI Processor. (IP only)
Model No. - String. ZoneMix Device Model No.
Name - String. ZoneMix Device name.
Max Inputs - Integer. Maximum No. of Input ports in this ZoneMix Device.
Max Outputs - Integer. Maximum No. of Output ports in this ZoneMix Device.
Info Message - String. To show system messages on UI.
Input-1-2 Stereolink On4 - Boolean. If Stereo Link of Input ports 1 & 2 is enabled.
Input-1-2 Stereolink Off4 - Boolean. If Stereo Link of Input ports 1 & 2 is disabled.
Model ZONEMIX-4 - Boolean. If the current model is ZONEMIX4.
Model ZONEMIX-8 - Boolean. If the current model is ZONEMIX8.
Selected Output - String. Name of Output (Zone) selected by the UI.
Output-x Selected - Boolean. Indicates if the particular Output is currently selected. (1 to Max Output)
UI Visibility: To be used to show or hide certain objects on UI based on the condition of parameter.
Input-x Phantom - Boolean. To indicate if Phantom Power to be shown on UI for input port 1 or 2.
Input 1-2 H’ Pass Filter - Boolean. To indicate if High Pass filter to be shown on UI for Input port 1 or 2.
Input 3-6 Pad - Boolean. To indicate if Pad is enabled on any of the Input ports from 3 to 6.
Input-10 Freq - Boolean. To indicate if Sine Wave Frequency to be shown on UI.
Input 1 and 2:
Mode - String. Input mode either Mic or Line.
Phantom - Boolean. To indicate if Phantom power is enabled.
H’Pass Filter Enable - Boolean. To indicate is High Pass filter is enabled.
H’Pass Filter Family - String. High Pass filter Family type.
H’Pass Filter Slope - String. High Pass filter Slope in db/Octave.
H’Pass Filter Freq. - Integer. High Pass filter Frequency in Hz. (between 50 & 10,000)
Input 1 to 6:
Pad - Boolean. To indicate if Padding is enabled on Inputs Ports 1 to 6.
Mode - String. Input 10 frequency type.
Sine Wave Freq. - Integer. Frequency selected for Sine Wave (500Hz, 1KHz, 5KHz & 10KHz).
Output (Selected, 1 to Max Outputs):
Invert - Boolean. To indicate if Invert is enabled on the output.
Mute - Boolean. To indicate if Mute is enabled on the output.
Volume# - Integer. Output Volume x 10 in db (between Min & Max Vol).
Min Vol - Integer. Output Minimum Volume allowed in db.
Max Vol - Integer. Output Maximum Volume allowed in db.
H’Pass Filter Enable - Boolean. To indicate is High Pass filter is enabled.
H’Pass Filter Family - String. High Pass filter Family type.
H’Pass Filter Slope - String. High Pass filter Slope in db/Octave.
H’Pass Filter Freq. - Integer. High Pass filter Frequency in Hz. (between 50 & 10,000).
L’Pass Filter Enable - Boolean. To indicate is High Pass filter is enabled.
L’Pass Filter Family - String. High Pass filter Family type.
L’Pass Filter Slope - String. High Pass filter Slope in db/Octave.
L’Pass Filter Freq. - Integer. High Pass filter Frequency in Hz. (between 50 & 20,000).
Bass# - Integer. Output Bass Gain x 10 in db. (between -10 and 10).
Treble# - Integer. Output treble Gain x 10 in db. (between -10 and 10)
Mode - String. Output selected Mode either Mono, Stereo or Crossover.
Mode Stereo4 - Boolean. To indicate if Stereo is selected as output mode.
Mode Mono4 - Boolean. To indicate if Mono is selected as output mode.
Mode Crossover4 - Boolean. To indicate if Crossover is selected as output mode.
Crossover Freq. 4 - Integer. Crossover frequency in Hz if selected mode is Crossover. (between 50 to 10,000)
Crossover Family4 - String. Output Crossover family type.
Crossover Slope4 - String. Output Crossover Slope in db/Octave
Delay Enable4* - Boolean. To indicate if Delay is enabled on the output
Delay Time4* - Integer. Delay Time frequency in Milliseconds (ms). (between 0 to 150)
Mixout (Selected, 1 to Max Outputs):
Input-x Mute - Boolean. To indicate if Mute is enabled on the Input.
Input-x Volume # - Integer. Input Volume x 10 in db (between Min & Max Vol).
Min Vol - Integer. Input Minimum Volume allowed in db.
Max Vol - Integer. Input Maximum Volume allowed in db.
Settings marked ‘i‘ are considered only if IP is selected at 4.4.1.
Settings marked ‘r‘ are considered only if RS232 is selected at 4.4.1.
‘x’ Represents the Input/Output/Preset No
All settings marked ‘*’ are auto entered during data processing from ZONEMIX configuration file.
‘#’ Represents the integer variable value = actual value multiplied by 10.
All variables marked ‘4’ are available only if the mixer device model is ZONEMIX4.
All variables marked ‘4*’ are available only if selected device model is ZONEMIX4 & outputs are between 2 and 4.
General Category.
Poll Status - Manually trigger polling once for current values from ZoneMix device.
Input Category.
Mode - Select Input Mode.
Phantom Power - Enable or Disable Phantom Power.
H’Pass Ctrl. - Enable or Disable High Pass filter.
H’Pass Family - Select High Pass Filter Family type & Slope.
H’Pass Freq$ - Set High Pass Filter Frequency in Hertz.
Pad - Enable or Disable Padding.
Input-10 Tone - Select Tone type.
Input 1-2 StereoLink4 - Enable or Disable Stereo Link for Inputs 1 or 2.
Output Category.
Set Selected Output - Set Output Port for current device (Controller).
Invert - Enable or Disable Signal Invert.
Mute - Enable or Disable Mute.
Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Volume in db.
Volume Level$ - Set Volume Level in db. Note: The volume level sent to ZoneMix device will be between the Min & Max volume levels set.
Min Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Minimum Volume in db.
Min Volume Level - Set Minimum Volume Level in db. Note: The min volume level sent to ZoneMix device will depend on this Min Volume level.
Max Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Maximum Volume in db.
Max Volume Level - Set Maximum Volume Level in db. Note: The max volume level sent to ZoneMix device will depend on this Max Volume level.
H’Pass Ctrl. - Enable or Disable High Pass filter.
H’Pass Family - Select High Pass Filter Family type & Slope.
H’Pass Freq$ - Set High Pass Filter Frequency in Hertz.
L’Pass Ctrl. - Enable or Disable Low Pass filter.
L’Pass Family - Select Low Pass Filter Family type & Slope.
L’Pass Freq$ - Set Low Pass Filter Frequency in Hertz.
Bass Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Bass Gain in db.
Bass Level - Set Bass Level in db.
Treble Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Treble Gain in db.
Treble Level - Set Treble Gain Level in db.
Mode4 - Set Output Mode to either Mono, Stereo or Crossover.
Crossover Family4 - Set Crossover Family type including Slope db/Octave.
Crossover Freq. 4 - Set Crossover Frequency between 50 to 10,000 in Hz.
Delay Ctrl. - Enable or Disable Delay timer.
Delay Time - Set Delay time between 0 to 150 in milliseconds (ms).
Mixer Category. For selected Output & Input (Mixout).
Mute - Enable or Disable Mute.
Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Volume in db.
Volume Level$ - Set Volume Level in db. Note: The volume level sent to ZoneMix device will be between the Min & Max volume levels set.
Min Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Minimum Volume in db.
Min Volume Level - Set Minimum Volume Level in db. Note: The min volume level sent to ZoneMix device will depend on this Min Volume level.
Max Volume Ctrl. - Increase or Decrease Maximum Volume in db.
Max Volume Level - Set Maximum Volume Level in db. Note: The max volume level sent to ZoneMix device will depend on this Max Volume level.
Preset Category.
Recall - Recall a pre-configured Preset in the ZoneMix device.
Tasks / Task Grp.
Execute - Execute pre-configured Task or Task Group in the ZoneMix device.
Cancel Current Task - Cancel / Halt currently running Task / Task Group in ZoneMix device.
Important Note:
Availability of settings, functions, variables, depend on ZoneMix Model No.
All Functions marked (4) are available only if the device Model is ‘ZONEMIX4’.
All Functions marked ($) can be programmed to send given value from a button object or dynamic value between minimum & maximum using a slider object.
Last Changed: 23rd May 2024.