- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control
- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver supports the Jeweller series of Security Systems by AJAX.
Version History:
Version 1.0: Initial Release
Ajax Systems® – RTI Driver
Driver Info
Release – R1.0
Ajax Systems® is a tech company creating solutions that stand on cutting edge of technology and science. Ajax devices operate in the most extreme conditions, always ready to protect against tragedy. Ajax’s continually evolving security system gives people peace of mind. Ajax Proprietary technologies – radio communication, encryption, digital algorithms are invented in-house by Ajax engineers. For further details, please visit https://ajax.systems
AjaxSys Driver helps integrate Ajax ‘Jeweller’ series wireless home security systems with RTI control processors.
This driver allows ‘ARM’ or ‘DISARM’ of system, monitor statuses of device like Door contacts, Relays, Wall Switches, Sensors like, Gas leak, Flood, Fire, Glass Break, Motion, etc. Trigger Functions based on Events received from Ajax devices. This driver is based on HTTPS connection to Ajax Cloud & supports 2-Way communication with cloud connected Ajax devises.
This Document only provides information about Driver.
Driver Features
The RTI’s unique feature of connecting to AJAX cloud & import configuration allows updating driver capacities to virtually unlimited‘Rooms’ & ‘Devices’ supported by AJAX System.
Supports only one HUB & one User at the moment.
Function to Arm or Disarm entire system or individual Groups (Zones).
Boolean Variables for indicating the statuses of Devices including malfunctions.
Events to trigger Driver Functions or Alerts based on Feedback received from Ajax System.
As this driver is Cloud based, RTI processor needs continuous Internet connection for functioning.
Prerequisites (for Ajax system configuration as per Ajax guidelines)
Install Devices, HUB, etc. including necessary configuration as per Ajax Guidelines.
Create Rooms, Groups as necessary.
Register all Devices to HUB.
Assign Devices to Rooms & Groups.
Make note of User ID & Password, as it is needed to be entered in Driver.
Driver Configuration
Please refer to “'Ajax Systems - RTI' Driver configuration Guide” for initial Driver Configuration.
List of Boolean Variables & Events available for various Devices:
Alarm Mute.
Fire Alarm.
Fire Alarm Off.
Medical Alarm.
Medical Alarm Off.
Panic Alarm.
Alarm Off.
Contact Open.
Contact Closed.
External Contact Open.
External Contact Closed.
Gas Leak Detected.
Gas Leak Off.
Motion Detected. (Event only)
Smoke Detected.
Smoke Not Detected.
Glass Break Detected. (Event only)
Leakage Detected.
Leakage Stopped.
Co2 Detected.
Co2 Normal.
Armed with Malfunctions
Arming Failed.
Unauthorised Access.
Night Mode Active.
Night Mode with Malfunctions.
Night Mode Activation Failed.
Night Mode Deactivated.
Over Heating Shutdown.
Temperature above Threshold.
Temperature below Threshold.
Temperature Normal.
Rapid Temperature Increase.
Rapid Temperature Increase Stopped.
Over Voltage Shutdown.
Low Voltage Shutdown.
Voltage Normal.
Over Current Shutdown.
Current Normal.
Device Active.
Device Inactive.
Device Online.
Device Offline.
Switch On.
Switch Off.
Lid Open.
Lid Close.
Power Failure.
Power Normal.
Battery Low or Disconnected.
Battery Charged or Connected.
Hardware Failure.
Hardware Failure recovered.
Note: Not all Variables and / or Events are available for all Devices. Availability depends on Type of Device; Activation of available Variable or Event depends on condition reported by Ajaz Cloud.
List of Functions
“Receive Messages” - Used to manually retrieve Event messages from Ajax Cloud. For exceptional use cases only, as the Driver will automatically retrieve Events at pre-defined intervals.
“Set ARM or DISARM” - Used to Set ARM or DISARM the Entire System or Group. Group option is available only if the same are activated & configured in Ajax System. Set the Function Parameters as follows.
“System / Group” - Select ‘Entire System’ to ARM / DISARM all the Groups (Zones) in the system. Or select a ‘Group’ by its Name to ARM or DISARM a particular Group (Zone) within the system.
“Action” - Select ‘ARM’ or ‘DISARM’.
“Ignore Errors” - Select ‘True’ to ignore Offline, Inactive, differed condition devices or select ‘False’ to consider all devices & report if any malfunctions or differed condition. This parameter is ignored if DISARM is selected for ‘Action’.
Last Modified: 22.Feb.2023th Jan 2023