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The 2N driver is for use with 2N Solo and IP Verso Door stations.This driver supports control and feedback of the Switches and Relays, and has feedback for Call Status, Motion events, and Code Entry.
Version History:
Version 1.0 - Initial release of the driver.
Driver for 2N IP Door Stations
This driver controls the 2N IP Door Stations.
It requires either an Advanced Automation or Gold Licence
The driver requires a secure connection and supports Basic authentication, but doesn't support Digest.
For this driver to function correctly, it needs to have some configurations uploaded to the 2N device.
It utilises the Automation Functions to set events for feedback.
We have included a command to push these settings to the 2N device automatically.
We recommend using Function 5 for the Call/Motion/Key Code settings and Function 4 for the Switch/Relay settings, so that you can still use 1-3 for anything else you need.
Driver Configuration
2N Device Name - Enter Name of the 2N Device.
IP Address - Enter the 2N Devices IP address (Make sure the device is on a static IP or has a DHCP reservation).
User Credentials - Enter the details of the User (Must have sufficient access rights).
Enable Automated Events – Enables the Automatic programming of the 2N Device
Enable Call/Motion/Keycode Events – Creates the automation code for Call Status, Motion Detection and Key Code Events.
Enable Switch/Relay Events – Creates the automation code for Switch and Relay Status
Enable Auto Programming – This Tells the driver to upload the chosen configuration to the 2N device on initialisation.
Function Number to Program Call/Motion/Keycode Events – Select the 2N Automation Function Number to use for Call/Motion/Key Code Events.
Function Number to Program Switch/Relay Events – Select the 2N Automation Function Number to use for Switch/Relay Events.
Switch Settings
Number of switches – Select the number of switches you want to control or receive feedback from.
Switch x Name – Give the switch a name so it’s easily recognisable.
Relay Settings
Number of Relays – Select the number of relays you want to control or receive feedback from.
Relay x Name – Give the relay a name so it’s easily recognisable.
2N automation - Functions Settings
These settings are for automations that you have configured yourself on the 2N device and would like to receive feedback from.
To receive feedback you need to configure a httprequest node in the automation with specific values.
The format required is as follows –
Url - http:// « IP Address of the XP Processor » :4115/function « function(1 to 3) »
for example –
Method – Post
Type - application/json
Text - {"event":{"eventx" : "Event Value to match”},"variable":{"variable1" : "Variable name to match"}}
The text has to be a valid JSON string.
The driver configuration is as follows.
Number of 2N Automation Functions – Select the number of functions you want to receive feedback from (1 – 3)
Function x Name - Give the function a name so it’s easily recognisable
Function x – Number of events – Select the number of events to use with this function (1-3).
Function x – Event x Name - Give the Event a name so it’s easily recognisable
Function x – Event x Value – Event Value to match the ”Event Value to match” portion of the Text
Function x – Number of variables – Select the number of variables to use with this function (1-3).
Function x – Variable x Name – Variable Name to match the “variable name to match” portion of the Text